


We help you create the right mind- and skillset. Supporting others to innovate
and grow their business, that's what we at Startup Spirit love to do.

Contact us! Check our workshops!

Faster big companies, bigger small companies

We help large companies be fast and small companies grow big. How? We help established companies and entrepreneurs think and act like a startup, and we help startups build their business. We inspire, advice, educate, and connect corporates and startups:


Innovation and Entrepreneurship Programs

We support corporates, governments, and startups in creating programs to make it simpler to growth by innovating fast and cheap. Together with startup founders, corporate employees and civil servants we cocreate entrepreneurship and innovation programs.

Inspiring Speakers

We offer inspiring and knowledgable speakers that suit your individual needs.. Startup Spirit represents some of the most influential people and experts in the startup world, and covers a wide range of topics.

Workshop, Seminars and Courses

We equip individuals and teams with the practical knowledge needed to build a successful business, the lean startup way. The courses balance theoretical principles with guided hands-on workshops. More on

Bootcamps, Startup Networking and Startups @Conf

Get inspired and connected at the unique and energizing startup events we organize. Doing business is all about getting out of the building and meeting new clients and partners.



Upcoming workshops

Advanced Lean Startup

February 7-8th, Dusseldorf

Advanced Lean Startup

March 8-9th, Amsterdam

Advanced Lean Startup

September, Paris


Startups are not smaller versions of big companies 

Steve Blank


Innovate like a Startup

How can your company become as innovative as a startup? How to get the energy and innovation of the startup culture within your own company? We help you develop the people, processes, and places needed to accelerate new business growth.

It is evident that startups and smaller companies innovate at a much higher speed than larger established companies. They are not restrained to business processes, budgets, and hierarchies. Startups have lower costs, faster and better execution, and are willing to take risks. From our combined background in both corporates and startups we help you to innovate better.

Innovation is not just a mindset, but an active discipline. Corporates have to have vital, engaged, ongoing innovation strategies that deploy resources towards understanding and getting ahead of radical changes. Startup Spirit helps companies and organizations improve and grow their business based on scientifically and practically proofed entrepreneurial methodologies. We partner with you to create the entrepreneurial mindset, culture, and infrastructure that accelerate growth. Startup Spirit makes corporate entrepreneurship a success!

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A lot of what we do is based on the Lean Startup Methodology, a paradigm-shifting way of thinking about how to build new companies and products.  We teach you about the tools, techniques, and resources designed to identify key customers, iterate products quickly, and bring products to markets faster.






Are you looking for inspiring speakers? Someone who speaks from their own experience and shares successes and failures? Our speakers will lead your audience into the world of startups and innovation, business development, and leading strategies. We represent top entrepreneurs who are currently shaping the future. The speakers are available for keynotes, presentations, in-house inspiration sessions, workshops, and brainstorms.


Check out our awesome speakers and if you need any help just:

Contact us!
Doug Ward

Doug Ward


Co-founder of Tech Britain, serial entrepreneur and advisor to the UK government.

More about Doug
Vidar Andersen

Vidar Andersen


Vidar Andersen is startup founder and certified lean startup trainer.

More about Vidar
Leo Exter

Leo Exter


Leo Exter is startup founder, startup community leader and bootcamp organizer.

More about Leo
Dave Richards

Dave Richards

Coach & Trainer

Dr Dave Richards is a truly inspirational speaker. He is cofounder of MIT Innovation Lab.

More about Dave
Doug Ward

Doug Ward


Co-founder of Tech Britain, serial entrepreneur and advisor to the UK government.

More about Doug
Vidar Andersen

Vidar Andersen


Vidar Andersen is startup founder and certified lean startup trainer.

More about Vidar
Leo Exter

Leo Exter


Leo Exter is startup founder, startup community leader and bootcamp organizer.

More about Leo
Dave Richards

Dave Richards

Coach & Trainer

Dr Dave Richards is a truly inspirational speaker. He is cofounder of MIT Innovation Lab.

More about Dave
Drop us a line





Gemeente Maastricht
Digital Hub Aachen

See what clients experience




Steve Blank


Startup Events

We organize startup events and educational programs for startups and entrepreneurs to improve and create better startup ecosystems. We help the best startups emerge from their local ecosystems and scale up by connecting them to corporates and governments.


Web, Wurst, Windmills and Waffles

We organize this startup event in Belgium, Germany, and The Netherlands. Web, Wurst, Windmills and Waffles is an event for local startup communities in a unique off-the grid setting


Backed by the European Commission, these yearly conferences called ‘Failing Forward’ and local events across Europe, aim at changing the fear of failure in Europe, and help entrepreneurs move forward to success. The next conference is on 14 October 2015 in Brussles.


We organize workshops that educate and inspire (see courses). We incite and explain companies and cities how startups and startups communities work.




Passion leads to entrepreneurship, entrepreneurship leads to new business, new business leads to succes!

Startup Spirit Team

We provide our services in English, German, Dutch, Norwegian and Swedish.

Get in touch with us!